Evangelista Mudzonga

Evangelista Mudzonga holds an MBA, MSc Economics and BSc Economics Degrees. She has Over 11 years of national, regional and international trade policy analysis, trade negotiations and trade policy implementation and socio economic issues pertinent to developing countries particularly on SADC, COMESA and EAC regions. She has vast experience in capacity building of government officials, members of parliament, private sector representatives, marginalized groups like the informal traders on trade and trade related issue specifically in the COMESA, EAC and SADC regions. Evengelista has extensive knowledge of ACP-EU EPAs, SADC-EU Interim EPA, ESA-Interim EU EPA and EAC- EU Interim EPA. She has vast knowledge of the SADC Trade protocol and the implementation challenges and the negotiation processes. She has knowledge of the SADC-EAC-COMESA tripartite free trade area process which is meant to deal with multiple membership challenges which hinder efforts to deepen regional integration efforts in the Eastern and Southern African region and as a step towards the formation of the African Economic Community.
Evangelista is highly knowledgeable of current WTO Agreements particularly Agriculture; Non- Agriculture Market Access (NAMA); Services, Trade Facilitation and Competition Policy. Fully conversant with current multilateral negotiations under the Doha work Programme and specifically the issues and concerns of developing countries in the Doha Round. She is highly professional and well experienced in working with senior dignitaries from the international community, SADC, EAC and COMESA member states, civil society organizations, informal sector traders among other delegates. She is experienced in civil society mapping in the SADC region and has detailed knowledge of their operational challenges. She has 12 years of planning and coordinating seminars and conferences at the national and regional levels in Africa.
Email: mudzongae@zepari.co.zw